Saturday, April 7, 2012

Characters and Caricatures

Besides the animations I have posted on my blog, I also included multiple character and caricature drawings in my portfolio. Here are some caricatures of celebrities I drew below.

I also included a self-portrait with three different stages. The first being an extremely rough design to the second drawing of a cleaner and stylized portrait. The third is after I imported it into Photoshop to create a polished and painted portrait.

I have also included two drawings that were not in my portfolio, but are quick sketches of people that inspired me to draw them. One is titled "My Morning Coffee", which is of me and my boyfriend, and the other is simply of my friend and her huge, loveable dog.


  1. Hi,
    I'm glad your still posting here.... when you go off SJSU i will still be able to see how you work is developing...keep on penciling...

  2. Hi Mr. King,
    Starting a blog in our class was a great idea. It has helped me and other students to put our work out there. Thank you for seeing how my work has developed and I will definitely keep penciling! :)
