Saturday, April 7, 2012

Characters and Caricatures

Besides the animations I have posted on my blog, I also included multiple character and caricature drawings in my portfolio. Here are some caricatures of celebrities I drew below.

I also included a self-portrait with three different stages. The first being an extremely rough design to the second drawing of a cleaner and stylized portrait. The third is after I imported it into Photoshop to create a polished and painted portrait.

I have also included two drawings that were not in my portfolio, but are quick sketches of people that inspired me to draw them. One is titled "My Morning Coffee", which is of me and my boyfriend, and the other is simply of my friend and her huge, loveable dog.

Animal Drawings 2012

I plan to add much more to my Animal Drawings. That means numerous trips to the zoo! For now I am proud to show some figure drawings of a gray fox that visits my front yard. She is the laziest fox I have ever seen, and lets me draw her all day. We call her Megan.

I got inspired to draw some fox characters after drawing her.

2012 Figure Drawings

It's been a little while since I last posted, but I am excited to share that me and four other students got invited to tour Walt Disney Animation Studios in Burbank for Inspire Day through ACME Animation! It was an incredible and unforgettable trip. I would like to share some of my figure drawings that made it into my Disney portfolio. I am trying to take as many figure drawing classes as possible, so that I can have my portfolio ready for fall applications. Enjoy!